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 以上错字不算,一直不改,或许不打扰是最好的温柔呢! 大概在2014年05月04日前后 ,那会我学java的朋友还有联系,那段时间偶尔也小聚下,这其中大部分做软件开发前段后端跟软件销售。我大多挣得少花的多可从未办理过行用卡。














Before and after the typo is not, not to change the word, perhaps do not disturb the best tender to the past! Probably in 2014 05 month 04 days ago, when I learn java friends and contact than me one session that will age students are mostly small adults, Beijing, many people have a house in Beijing, along with possible difficulties, after not how to contact the group behind the school also back at that time, occasionally also together, most of which do some back-end software development with the software sales.

One of the good kids younger than me, probably married in 19 years old, that will I do a backpacker, I a room to live in less than two years, at the same table, a trained teacher most generally do not believe that kind of thing, listen to him when they married county people who went to small, ancient spirit demon, is the eldest son, and sister-in-law, long time no contact, everyone is so busy behind no contact disappeared in each other's life.

My home is in Beijing Chaoyang five a village has a small clothing store, land, rent expensive (in poor condition) is received from the hands of my cousins, about three or four years ago, the rent of about 2500, the purchase of hydropower, Metro bus, left to eat nor drink how many left, I huddled together live together with their parents, I live in the room outside, the day when the room has a sofa bed, in the past few years I experienced for the first time after the pain, I also love again, eyes narrowed when confused,

The picture comes from HUAWEI (sofa bed)

Talk is a family tradition, which is so simple to do that, I took the Java Engineer Resume, interview only once, after unsuccessful, I delivered the website design, it also hired design all girls group, a group of women in spinning in is not easy things, it will be also a 30 how many men do this work, is to forget the work address.

A walk in the morning

It is a website that makes group buying. Its reputation is not very big. It is seen in the view of people with the beauty Corps (once the beauty of the building that the American group saw is beautiful). The market is like battlefields, winning or losing, it is the old vs capital market. The name of the company called "Golden Apple" network science and technology limited company, the name "committee" is the boss of the ranks, listening to him 18 years old soldier with a gun to protect the head, do the guards, (a good man to the army), after years of talk is still extremely elegant and valuable which most people like, probably are blurred, contact was left behind, just remember another job hopping into the U.S. group technology.

Forget the coordinates in the evening.

Since the company I stop, has been stalled in the shop design, facing the side of family responsibilities, fellow eyes which many people break up with me, 51, the organization at night to go to KTV to sing, and I also remember a slightly larger men do in the copilot, the army boss drove a Mercedes SUV, through the night are red, many have seen the cars did not many able-bodied eyes, a lack of a spirit, to hear him speak at the meeting, he gave up the promotion, real estate sales, double bag when young is full of cash and listen to people say that the Internet is obsessed with money into this industry, the scale is not small about 50 people on the station floor, the sales department is the main force, forward on the battlefield is the first to enter the battlefield, the TV, the first to enter the war A vanguard is cannon fodder, I was upstairs. He is behind the office side, so many girls don't have one in my heart, love failed, after I was fired, leaving, he took my say, I wish I had a bright future. Later, I saw him taking people to Xining, because I told girls that I had done things for backpackers, and I haven't seen the website of the company since then.

The shop decoration pictures of clothes is others

A man says to be an inward beg, and a daughter-in-law. But neither of my parents had such a plan, nor did I. So far, I have been very difficult to get along with the two of them, regardless of their values and lifestyle.

Say, you read Chinese read the world economy, can Chinese values, most people have no love to laugh. But there is no love, where is the love?

Before and after the typo is not, not to change the word, perhaps do not disturb the best tender to the past! Probably in 2014, 05 and 04 days ago, then I would learn Java's friends and have a smaller contact with me than that. I occasionally gathered at that time. Most of them did the software development front end and the software sale.

One of the good kids younger than me, probably married in 19 years old, that will I do a backpacker, I a room to live in less than two years at the, same table, a trained teacher most generally do not believe that kind of thing, listen to him when they married county people who went to small ancient, spirit demon, is the eldest son, and sister-in-law, long time no contact, everyone is so busy behind no contact disappeared in each other's life.

My home is in Beijing Chaoyang five a village has a small clothing store, land rent, expensive (in poor condition) is received from the hands of my cousins, about three or four years ago, the rent of about the purchase of 2500, hydropower, Metro bus, left to eat nor drink how many left, I huddled together live together



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