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Usually China tea classified into six categories. They are Green tea,Black tea,Oolong tea ,Yellow tea ,White tea and Dark black tea. 通常,中国茶可分为六大类,它们是绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶、黄茶、白茶和黑茶。

Green tea绿茶

Green tea is non_fermented tea. 绿茶属不发酵茶。

Green ten can be classified as roasted green tea ,baked green tea,solar-dried green tea The classifications of tea and steamed green tea.


Green tea is mainly produced in the lower reach of Yangtse River.


Zhejiang province is one of main production areas of green tea.


Xihu Longjing(Dragon Well tea ) is the famous and traditional green tea.


The appearance of high-quality green tea has green color,delicate aroma,mellow taste,and beautiful shape.


The high-quality green tea contains the most quantity of vitamins,catechin and protein in all kinds of tea.


New Words生词

1 non_fermented .adj.不发酵

2. roasted green tea 炒青绿茶

3. solar-dried green tea 晒青绿茶

4. traditional .adj.传统的

5. delicate .adj.娇嫩的,有风味的

6. aroma .n.香气,香味

7. mellow .adj .芳醇的

8. mellow taste 醇厚的(茶味)

9. shape .n. 样子,形状

10. high-quality .adj. 高质量,高档

11. contain .vt.包括,包含

12. vitamin .n. 维生素,维他命

13. catechin .n. 茶多酚

14. protein .n. 蛋白质

Black tea 红茶

Black tea is fermented tea. 红茶属全发酵茶。

Black tea can be used as basic layer of rose tea. 红茶可作玫瑰花茶的茶胚。

The high-quality Black tea is characterized as bright and lustrous color,freshand strong taste.


The most popular Black tea are the Anhui_qihong 、,Yuannan-Dianhong、 Fujing_ Black tea xiaozhong,Zhejing_jiuquhonfmei,etc.


The main characteristic of Black tea is strong and brisk tasting.


The Black tea is good for stomach.


New Words生词

  1. ferment .vi.发酵

  2. fermented tea 发酵茶

  3. rose .n. 蔷薇花,玫瑰花

  4. character .n. 性格,特性

  5. lustrous .adj.有光彩的

  6. fresh .adj.新鲜的,爽快的

  7. flavor .n. 味,风味

  8. characteristic .adj.本性的,独特的,特有的

  9. popular .adj.常见的,流行的

  10. stomach .n. 胃

Oolong tea乌龙茶

Oolong tea is semi- fermented tea.


Oolong tea is produced in Fujiang ,Taiwan and Guangdong Provinces.


According to the genus of tea ,processing method and the quality of tea , Oolong tea can Beclassified into Shuxian(narcissus),Fonghung Dancong(Phoenix Select),Tie_guanying,Huang_jingui,Baozhong and so on.


Each kind of the (Oolong)tea has its own unique flavor.


Oolong tea is described as “green leaf with red border”。


New Words生词

  1. semi- fermented tea 半发酵茶

  2. according to 根据,依照

  3. genus .n.(生物分类)属,种类

  4. process .n.方法,制作法

  5. method .n.方法,方式

  6. describe .vt.描述,记述

  7. green leaf 绿叶

  8. border .vi.镶边

Scented tea 花茶

Scented tea is reprocessed tea.


Scented tea is produced only in China by scenting primary tea with fragrant flowers in a closed wooden box.


Baked green tea can be used as primary scented tea.


Baked green tea is mainly selected for primary scented tea and Jasmine tea is one df the most popular flower_scented tea.


Asmine tea has both the taste of tea and the aroma of flower.


Different flowers are used make different scented tea. Besides jasmine tea,there are magnolia tea,pomelo tea,chulan tea,daidai_flower tea,orchid tea,osmanthus tea,etc.


According to the nature of primary tea,scented tea can be classified into scented green tea,scented black tea,scented oolong tea.


New Words生词

  1. scent .n.香气,香味

  2. Scented tea花茶

  3. reprocess .vt.再加工,再处理

  4. primary .adj.最初的,原色的

  5. primary tea茶坯,毛坯

  6. fragrant .adj.芬芳的,芳香的

  7. nature .n.自然,本性

  8. jasmine .n.茉莉,素馨

  9. magnolia .n.木兰花

  10. pomelo .n.柚子花

  11. chulan .n.珠兰花

  12. orchid .n.米兰花

  13. osmanthus .n.桂花

Pu_er tea 普洱茶

Pu_er tea is one knd of dark black tea. 普洱茶是黑茶的一种。

Sun_dried green tea can br used as material of Pu_er tea.


Pu_er tea has two specifications of bulk and compressed. 普洱茶有散装普洱和紧压普洱两种规格。

Pu_er tea is mainly produced in Xishuang banna,the south part of Yunnan province.


The leaf of high_level Pu_er tea is plump and strong while tender leaves have white floss.


The liquor of Pu_er is wery rich,and can endure repeated infusion without losing much of its original strength and emitting strong flavor.


Drinking Pu_er tea on long run is good for digestion and decreasing blood pressure.


New Words生词

  1. dark black tea黑茶

  2. compress .vt.紧压,浓缩

  3. specification .n.规格

  4. floss .n.毫,丝线状物

  5. an ethnic region少数民族地区

  6. function .n.作用,功能

  7. plump .adj.丰满的,肥厚的

  8. strong .adj.强烈的

  9. thick .adj.浓厚(茶汤)

  10. strength .n.浓度(茶的滋味)

  11. digestion .n.消化

  12. blood pressure血压

Yellow tea and White tea黄茶和白茶

White tea is slightly_fermented tea,a special local product in China.


White tea is produced in Zhenghe,JianyangandFuding,the counties of Fujian Provinces.


The character of Yinzhen_Balhao’s leaves are straight like needles and white like silver.


Junshan_Yinzhen is yellow tea,is produced in Dongting mountain of Hunan province.


After infusion,all the tea buds of Junsan-Yinzhen stand straightly,and look like bamboo shoots comimg up of the ground,It is enjoyable.


The main purpose of drinking Baihao-Yinzhen and Junshan-Yinzhen is to enjoy the sight of tea buds,so It’s better to use glass cup.


New Words生词

1. slightly_fermented .adj.微发酵

2.county .n.(英)郡,(美)县

3. special local product本地特产

4. straight .adj.直的,笔直的

5. bamboo .n.竹

6.purpose .n.目的,用意,用途

7. enjoy the sight of观赏

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